Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 4 "25 Days of Diana"

Today I decided to take the time and watch Diana's Ribber Course.  They are fascinating.  I am anxious to start practicing and making my swatches.  What I enjoyed is the fact that since I've been practicing the circular cast-on with my machine none of the videos seemed like a foreign language.

Watching all these videos is quite an endeavor all it's own.  Diana has generously made 25 lessons.  They are all approximately 10 minutes long.  That is about 4 hours of lessons.  She offers these all for free.  We are truly blessed to have someone as experienced as Diana to take the time and make us these videos.

The Ribber Course covers several different cast-ons.  There are many different ribbing options and quite a few different cast-offs.  Toward the end of the series she does a few specialty techniques.

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